Central Committee of the CPSU to the First Secretary of PZPR (Władysław Gomułka)28 Mar 1961 |
This memorandum from the Central Committee of the CPSU to the first secretary of the PZPR, Władysław Gomulka, summarizes the favors conceded to Albania by the Warsaw Pact member countries, highlighting perceived Albanian disrespect and ignorance.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Memorandum Origin (Agency): Central Committee of the CPSU Recipient: Władysław Gomułka, First Secretary of PZPR Language of Original Document: Polish Number of Pages: 18 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Shehu, Gomułka, Baluku, Hoxha, Carapuli, Khrushchev |
Document Source: Modern Records Archives (AAN), Warsaw Call Number: KC PZPR, XIA/102, 222-40 |