Minutes of the BCP CC Plenum - Report on the PCC Meeting by the Deputy Head of State (Stanko Todorov)12 Jul 1966 |
These minutes of a meeting of the CC of the Bulgarian Communist Party focus on two issues: the results of the 1966 meeting of the Political Consultative Committee (PCC) in Bucharest and the forthcoming COMECON conference in Sofia. In addition to discussions about two declarations (one on the strengthening of peace and security in Europe, and the other on the US' actions in Vietnam), the minutes highlight questions about COMECON's pending session and economic and technical cooperation among the Warsaw Pact countries. Bulgarian leader Todor Zhivkov speaks about the disagreements between the greater and lesser developed Warsaw Pact members on the question of specialization and the division of labor.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Language of Original Document: Bulgarian Number of Pages: 9 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Zhivkov, Todorov |
Document Source: Central State Archives (TsDA), Sofia Call Number: 1-B/34/39 |