Memorandum of Conversation with Deputy Head of Soviet Delegation (Oleg Grinevskii) on Negotiations in the Eighteen Nations Disarmament Committee26 Feb 1968 |
This memorandum of a conversation between East German officials Siegfried Zachmann and Bernhard Neugebauer and the deputy head of the Soviet delegation, Oleg Grinevskii, summarizes the negotiations in the UN Eighteen Nations Disarmament Committee on the draft of the nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty and notes that UN General Assembly will present a full draft by 15 March 1968. It further elaborates on the status of negotiations between the Soviet Union and the US on security guarantees for non-nuclear states and the position of West Germany on the non-proliferation treaty.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Language of Original Document: German Number of Pages: 5 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Grinevskii, Zachmann, Neugebauer, Kosygin, Kiesinger |
Document Source: Political Archives of the German Foreign Office (PAAA), Berlin Call Number: MfAA, G-A 552 |