Letter from Einar Tufte Johnsen to Harold Wenneman13 Jan 1953 |
This letter from the Supreme Command of the Norwegian Air Force, Einar Tufte Johnsen, to the Swedish military attaché in Norway, Harold Wennemann, comments on plans for military cooperation with Norway and presents details for communication in this matter. The paper includes Norwegian air force communication frequencies and calls for a future meeting to clarify remaining issues. Collection: Sweden's Secret Ties to the West
Document Type:
Letter Origin (Agency): Supreme Command of the Swedish Air Force Sender: Einar Tufte Johnsen Destination (Agency): Military Attaché at the Swedish Embassy in Norway Recipient: Harold Wenneman Language of Original Document: Swedish Number of Pages: 2 Persons: Johnsen, Wenneman |
Document Source: HKVA (Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters' Archive), Stockholm Call Number: Handlingar rörande samarbete i Norden [Documents on Nordic cooperation], Vol. 1, Ser. F II, Fst Chefsexp., Fst KH-arkiv |