Letter by the First Secretary of the Polish Workers' Party (Władysław Gomułka) to the General Secretary of the PCR (Nicolae Ceauşescu) on the Romanian Proposal to Summon the PCC13 Feb 1968 |
This is a letter from the first secretary of the Polish Workers' Party, Władysław Gomułka, to the general secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, Nicolae Ceauşescu. He approves the Romanian proposal to summon a Political Consultative Committee (PCC) meeting in Sofia in February 1968 to discuss Romanian proposals to the draft of a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Letter Sender: Wladyslaw Gomułka, First Secretary of PZPR Recipient: Nicolae Ceauşescu, General Secretary of the PCR Language of Original Document: Polish Number of Pages: 2 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Gomułka, Ceauşescu |
Document Source: Modern Records Archives (AAN), Warsaw Call Number: KC PZPR, XIA/104, 2663/356-57 |