Minutes of the Joint Session of the CC of the BCP and the Council of Ministers - Report on the PCC Meeting by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister (Ivan Bashev)26 Jan 1965 |
This report by Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivan Bashev is to inform the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and the Council of Ministers about the proceedings of the 1965 Political Consultative Committee (PCC) meeting in Warsaw. The most important issue on the agenda is the adoption of a common stance by the Warsaw Pact countries on NATO's multilateral nuclear force project. Further, Bashev reports on the Albanian letter addressed to the PCC and the conditions that Albania demands be fulfilled by the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries if it is to remain a member. Other prominent topics include developments in Cuba and US interests in South America and Asia.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Language of Original Document: Bulgarian Number of Pages: 23 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Bashev, Grechko, Ulbricht, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Johnson |
Document Source: Central State Archives (TsDA), Sofia Call Number: 378-B/177 |