Bulgarian Minutes of the PCC Meeting4 Jul 1966 |
The Bulgarian minutes of the 1966 PCC conference in Bucharest note three issues on the agenda: (i) adopting a public declaration on the situation in Vietnam, (ii) adopting a declaration on the strengthening of peace and security in Europe, and (iii) adopting a decision regarding organizational reforms in the UAF. A disagreement on the first topic is prompted by the announcement of two alternatives (from Romania and from Poland) to the Soviet draft.
Collection: Party Leaders
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Language of Original Document: Bulgarian Number of Pages: 19 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Ceauşescu, Brezhnev, Zhivkov, Ulbricht, Gomułka, Novotný, Kádár |
Document Source: Central State Archives (TsDA), Sofia Call Number: 378-B, file 177 |