Short Note by Curt Göransson18 Dec 1959 |
Description: This short note from Swedish Chief of the Defense Staff Curt Göransson summarizes the agenda of a meeting with his Danish counterpart and the latter's designated successor. Göransson informed the other participants about the "Hjalmarson affair". [Editorial comment: The “Hjalmarson affair” erupted in summer 1959, when the Social Democratic government decided to exclude the leader of the Conservative Party, Jarl Hjalmarson, from participation in the Swedish UN delegation. This measure was motivated by the claim that Hjalmarson’s strong public anti-Communist and anti-Soviet statements had become a danger to Sweden’s policy of neutrality and its vital security interests. Most likely, here, Göransson referred to Prime Minister Tage Erlander's statement which categorically ruled out any type of preparations or consultations about military cooperation with members of a great-power military alliance. While this statement seemed to rule out the kind of cooperation that Denmark and Norway had with Sweden, Göransson's basic message was that whatever Erlander said in Parliament, the Cabinet had given green light to continue cooperation.] Göransson also stressed the necessity of caution and outlined basic principles for further defense cooperation with the Scandinavian neighbor states.
Collection: Sweden's Secret Ties to the West
Document Type:
Memorandum Origin (Agency): Chief of the Defense Staff, Sweden Sender: Göransson Language of Original Document: Swedish Number of Pages: 1 Cold War Period: 1950s Persons: Hammershøi, Rasmussen |
Document Source: HKVA (Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters' Archive), Stockholm Call Number: Handlingar rörande samarbete i Norden [Documents on Nordic cooperation], Vol. 1, Ser. F II, Fst Chefsexp., Fst KH-arkiv |