Meetings with Bohlen, Finletter, Lemnitzer, McConnell27 May 1964 |
This memorandum of conversation records a discussion between US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs Ural Alexis Johnson and high-level Western European defense officials. During the talks, CINCEUR Lyman L. Lemnitzer emphasizes the great threat presented by Soviet capabilities. However, Johnson remains skeptical of the intelligence briefings, which also disclose differences in estimates of NATO staying power against a Soviet attack.
Collection: NATO Military Planning
Document Type:
Memorandum of Conversation Sender: Alexis U. Johnson, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs Recipient: Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State Language of Original Document: English Number of Pages: 22 Cold War Period: 1960s Persons: Johnson, Rusk, Bohlen, Finletter, Lemnitzer, McConnell |
Document Source: US National Archives, Department of State Records Call Number: Record Group 59, Records of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs, Subject Files 1961-1963, Box 1, Memoranda |